NNCTR / INCTR Nepal encompasses wide varieties of activities directly or indirectly related to cancer in order to attain its valued goals and objectives. They include among others:
Major Activities:
1) Run cervical cancer technical skill transfer training/workshop, screening camps, follow up tests and treatment in various parts of the country.
2) Carry out prelminary physical breast cancer screening, follow up test, treatment and technical skill transfer training/workshops in various parts of the country. Teach clients how to perform self-check physical breast examinations.
3) Provide school and community cervical cancer vaccine education and awareness programs and to deliver the HPV vaccine through a school based program. These activities are run in collaboration with NNCTR’s sister organisation NACCF (Nepal Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation), and with substantial donor support from the ACCF (Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation.
Other Activities:
a. Public cancer education and awareness activities.
b. Nursing oncology training updates and workshops.
c. Support palliative care services to be delivered by health care facilities, including cancer hospitals and hospices.
d. Extension of the Palliative care sensitization program through national and international palliative care workshops.
e. Human resource development training and workshop for related areas.
f. Prepare instructional manuals, handbooks, training guides on cancer and related areas.
g. Publish cancer related news and information in the national and international level media.
h. Linkages and networking activities.
i. Fund raising activities.